Begin Your Day With a Smile And How You Can Archieve That

Gerrit van de Groep
19 min readFeb 27, 2023



Sometimes we make dramatic plans that are expected to bring
happiness into our lives, whether it be a vacation, graduation or
But the simple pleasures in life are what we can count on to give us
continuous joy. When we appreciate and enjoy the simple things, the
gratitude we feel will extend to other areas as well.

Here are some of the simple pleasures that are worth making an effort to experience often.

Freshly Cut Grass

Freshly cut grass is enjoyable in every way. The smell and feel of it under
your bare feet are fresh, and invigorate the senses. Try to experience this at
least a few times each year, as the weather allows it.

Giving and Receiving Smiles

What a better way to experience a simple pleasure for free? Give smiles not
only to your friends, but also to random strangers you pass on the street.
You will be amazed at how good it feels to see first the surprise of others,
and then their own smile in return.

The Endorphin Rush after Working Out

When you work out in a strenuous manner, you will get an endorphin rush
as a reward. These natural, feel-good chemicals are sure to brighten your
day. Work out in the morning in order to use this endorphin rush to help you
be especially productive throughout the rest of your day.

Enjoying Your Favorite Food

Even if your favorite food is not especially healthy, allow yourself to have it
every now and then. The feeling of your much-loved food will bring you a
little boost of pleasure. Studies have shown that if you refrain from a
particular food for a certain time, it will be even more enjoyable the next
time you try it, so use this trick to make your favorite meal taste even better
than usual.

Hot Cup of Coffee or Tea

Some of us survive on our daily coffee or tea. Even when it is a daily habit, it
can bring much joy. As you sip on your beverage of choice, take some quiet
time to enjoy every bit.

Making Snow Angels

This is not only for kids. Put on some warm clothes and simply fall into the
snow. Feeling silly about this will not ruin the experience, just embrace the
feeling of innocent fun that making snow angels can bring.

Laughing until It Hurts

Laughter is like medicine. Everyone should have an opportunity to laugh
until it hurts at least once a day. Whether it is with a friend who could write
comedy, or watching a good movie, take some time to laugh away your

Getting a Massage

If you have never had a massage, give it a try. This hour of total relaxation
will make your troubles feel as though they are melting away. Many
individuals are even entitled to massages through employee benefits.

Walking in the Rain

Walking in the rain is one of life’s amazing simple pleasures. Dress warm,
and go outside with or without an umbrella. Let the rain splash over your
face as you stroll along, and be sure to jump in at least one puddle for old
time’s sake.
Expensive fun is great, but can be hard to come by. Instead of waiting for
your next vacation, indulge in one of these simple pleasures. By learning to
appreciate the little things right next to you, you will find great fulfillment
each and every day.

Do You Need Money to Be Happy?

As the saying goes, “Money can’t buy you happiness.” Or can it?
Having a sufficient amount of money can certainly lower stress, but
having an excess of it will not make you happier than anyone else.
So, can money buy you happiness or not? Here are a few thoughts to ponder
on the subject.

Money Can Buy You a Limited Amount of Happiness

Studies have shown that yes, having enough money to meet your needs and
those of your family does bring happiness. People living in poverty are
generally less happy than those whose needs are met. Being able to pay for
your bills and having enough to get by financially will help you succeed in
feeling happy.

Excess Money Doesn’t Equal Excess Happiness

Having more money than you need, however, will not bring you extra
happiness. Money and happiness are not proportional. Someone with enough
money to buy a large house and several cars will not necessarily have more
happiness than another individual with exactly what they need.

Money Brings Stresses of Its Own

There is stress that goes along with having money. Whether you have a little
or a lot, you likely know about this stress. There is the stress of knowing you
need to spend what you have wisely, as well as the fact that people with
ulterior motives are drawn to those who are financially wealthy.

Not About What Comes in But What Goes Out

It is not so much the amount of money that you make that ensures your
happiness, but about what you are spending it on and where it is going on
the way out. There are some principles for using money that can help you to
feel more satisfied. Where you put your money and who receives it can
make a difference as to whether you gained something by having had it.

Spend on Experiences, Not Things

Buying more things is not proven to make a person happy. Although
investing in items that will last seems like a wise move, studies show that
we tend to adjust to what we obtain. Having these things doesn’t continue
bringing unlimited happiness.
We are more likely to have long-term happiness when money is spent on
experiences which will give us lasting memories. Whether this means going
on vacation by yourself or with your family, or making time to do something
fun every now and then… be sure to create experiences rather than
purchasing something that will simply fade away over time.

Give It Away

Giving is one of the most satisfying things you can do with your money.
Whether it is to charity or a friend in need, find a way to give back and share
what you have. This is a way to spend that will bring long-term personal
The short answer is no; you do not need money to be happy. Money can be
useful, however, to prevent stress that can diminish the happiness that you
do have. No matter what amount of money you have, use these tips to help
achieve the level of happiness you desire, and live a life filled with joy.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

We have all heard that we shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. Letting
oneself get stressed out over the little things in life is one of the
biggest ways to bring unnecessary grief into life’s path.

We can avoid a lot of negative feelings, and even health problems, simply by
learning not to let the little things get to us.

Focus on the Big Picture

When something small happens that makes you want to rage, compare the
moment’s significance to everything else going on in your own life, and in
the world around you. You may have spilled your cake batter on the floor an
hour before your guests are due to arrive. Are your friends still going to love
you and enjoy the evening even if you don’t have a freshly baked cake for
them? If so, maybe you should put your energy somewhere other than
berating yourself for this small mistake.

Remember That We All Make Mistakes

When something small threatens to destroy your attitude and positive
outlook, think about the fact that everyone makes mistakes. Whether it is
yourself or someone else who caused the situation that feels like a train
wreck, keep in mind that mistakes are a normal part of life that happen to
everyone. Don’t let one bad moment take you by surprise.

Forgive Others

It can be hard to forgive someone else when it feels like they have brought
you extra work and stress. When someone rear ends your vehicle, you may
be tempted to lash out at them verbally. However, stop and think about how
it may feel to be in their situation. Don’t act and feel as though you have
never made a mistake, but choose empathy.

Forgive Yourself

Forgiving others can be a simple matter in comparison to forgiving
ourselves. There are many moments that we treat ourselves worse than we
would ever allow a friend to treat us.
When you are having a difficult time forgiving yourself, think of how you
would handle a similar mistake made by a good friend. Stop and think
before bullying yourself, and consider seeking professional help if you can’t
stop a cascade of negative thoughts every time you fall short of perfection.

Ask Yourself If It Will Matter in Ten Years

We all have problems, and generally at the time, any problem seems big.
Perception is not always the truth, though, and it is up to us to put our
situation into perspective so that we can properly deal with whatever comes
our way.
When something negative happens in your life, ask yourself if it will matter
in ten years. If it won’t, let it go. If someone gives you the middle finger in
traffic, you may be tempted to lose your cool, but it is simply not worth it.
Save your emotions for things that are life changing and deserve your full
When something goes wrong, you have two choices. You can slip into a
rage, or let it go. Making the choice not to sweat the small stuff will bring
your life-changing happiness, and you will be thankful for your own shift in

How Happy Are You? — Questions to Ask Yourself

A desire to be happy is something that almost everyone has in
common. But it is not always easy to create happiness, nor to decide
whether you are happy once you feel you should be in this particular
state of mind.

Every life will have ups and downs, and so it is helpful if we have a gauge by
which to judge whether we have achieved happiness or not.

Do I Wake Up Excited about the Day?

This is a tell-tale sign about your inner happiness. Do you wake up each
morning ready to face the day, or do you feel anxious and fearful? It is
difficult to be happy if you are starting off each morning in a negative way.

Do I Look Forward to My Main Occupation?

Whether you are working, attending school, or doing something else… you
should feel a sense of anticipation when you think about being there. There
are certain things we must do, like pay the rent, so your decision to work
may not be an option. You do, however, have an option as to where you
work. If you don’t like it, change it.

Do I Enjoy the People I Spend Most of My Time With?

The people you spend the majority of your time with are the people who will
have the greatest influence on you. If they are bitter, discouraging and lack
motivation, chances are that you eventually will become the same type of
person. If your friends are not uplifting, find new ones. Spend your extra
time with those who will cause your life to be more joyful, and will help you
create positive memories that will bring long-term happiness.

Do I Like Who I Am?

A key component to happiness is liking and loving yourself for who you are.
If you don’t, then you need to figure out why. Make necessary changes, and
then choose to love yourself despite your flaws.

Do I Dread or Look Forward to My Future?

Happiness includes feeling confident and secure about your future. We live in
uncertain times, but that doesn’t mean that we have to live every day in
fear. Grow your confidence in small ways, and consider counselling if you
feel more than occasional stress when you think about the future ahead.

Do I Know My Life Purpose?

Everyone has a life purpose. There is something about you that makes you a
unique gift to the world. If you have not discovered this about yourself yet,
your self-esteem will suffer, as will your happiness. There are many
questionnaires and books dedicated to discovering your life purpose.
Consider investing your time to learn more and find what makes you feel
most fulfilled in life.
Being happy is not a frivolous desire. It is important to know how you are
wired and what it takes to be happy with yourself and your life. By asking
yourself these questions and then taking a moment to think about your
answers, you will be well on your way to a life of true happiness.

The Link Between Food and Happiness

Did you know that food can greatly affect your mood, for better or
for worse?
When it comes to happiness and every other area in your life, food has the
capacity to harm or heal. By learning about what foods to choose and avoid,
you will be able to help your body and mind, and embrace happiness.

Foods to Boost Happiness

So you want to use what Mother Nature has to offer in order to boost your
mood? Start off with looking for foods that are high in healthy fats. Our
brains rely on these fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, and they do wonders
for mood and improving happiness by allowing nerve cells to communicate
more efficiently.
Walnuts, pumpkin seeds and fish oil are a great way to consume these.
Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to be as effective as common
antidepressant drugs in regards to depression.
Berries are another wonderful way to boost your happiness. They contain
anthocyanins, which are helpful to your brain as they support its function.
Oranges, raw peppers and kiwi are high in Vitamin C which battles stress.
Leafy greens boost your folic acid intake, and even dark chocolate is known
to be a positive mood enhancer. Bananas and dates are easily found foods
that are known to affect serotonin levels positively.
Your mood and mental function are also greatly affected by dehydration, so
be sure to stay well-hydrated by consuming plenty of water.

Foods That Steal Your Joy

Sugar is the number one food to avoid if you wish to be happy. Sugar sets
you up for a quick, false surge of energy when you feel the sugar high,
which is then followed by a crash. Sugar can also harm your immune system
and trigger depression. Coffee has been known to lead to anxiety, which will also rob you of joy. Wheat prevents serotonin from being produced, therefore contributing to
depression. Alcohol is linked with moodiness, and although some individuals
feel temporarily euphoric after consuming it, the feeling generally fades into

Supplements to Consider

Vitamin C has been shown to reduce cortisol, which is the hormone that
causes stress. Unless you are getting a substantial amount of this vitamin
from your diet, a daily supplement is a good idea.
Because a folic acid deficiency has been linked to depression, you should
consider taking a supplement. Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12 are also
helpful for a natural mood boost. Supplements that will help you control
unhealthy cravings include vitamin B complex, Co-Enzyme Q10 and
Because food has such a big effect on your mood, you would be wise to
utilize it to its full potential. Instead of just choosing your meal based on
what you desire at the moment, turn your plate into a powerful weapon that
will fight depression and anxiety, and build and maintain your happiness.
You deserve the chance to feel joy, and by modifying your eating habits you
can change your life for the better. Choose your mood by choosing your
food, and see the difference it makes.

Seven Mantras to Increase Your Happiness

There are many ways you can increase your happiness, and several
tricks that don’t require much preparation or effort.

Our words have power, and by repeating mantras to yourself throughout
your day, you will find that feeling happy begins to come naturally to you.
Here are seven mantras that, when repeated often, can change your life.

I Am Amazing

These three words can help prevent you from falling into a slump of self-
hatred. Too many individuals do not have respect for themselves and forget
that they are amazing, beautiful and one of a kind. Repeat this mantra often
so the words will come to you when you need them the most.

I Am Grateful

Gratefulness is a sure way to gain happiness. When you are grateful, you
are making an effort to remind yourself of the good things in your life. In
turn, this positive attitude attracts even more good things.

I Love Myself at All Times

One of life’s most important lessons is to love ourselves. If you feel as
though you haven’t quite gotten to a point of full self-love and respect, then
repeat these words until you do. Say them when you are pleased with
yourself, as well as when you are angry and disappointed in yourself.

I Am a Magnet to Good Things

Believing that good things and positive situations are headed your way, will
actually help them do so. Thinking of yourself as a magnet to everything
that is amazing will draw those things to you. Your self-confidence and
positive spirit attract what they put out, and you will see your life becoming
enriched as you repeat this mantra often.

I Attract Healthy People into My Life

Even in the best circumstances, the wrong people will keep us from going
far. Create a circle of friends who are hopeful and positive just as you are.
Avoid drama, and repeat this mantra to yourself when you are tempted to
get sucked into someone’s negative energy.

I Can Do Anything I Set My Mind To

Believing in yourself and having confidence in what you can achieve will take
you far. When you know that you can do anything you set your mind to, you
will find unlimited happiness in that knowledge. Speak these words when
you are struggling to change your situation, and know that you have the
power it takes to do so.

I Have a Purpose

No matter how much money a person makes or how much they accomplish,
life will feel pointless and void without a sense of purpose. There are plenty
of books written on the subject that can help you analyze your life and find
out what your specific purpose is.
Think about the things you love and are drawn to, and what gives you your
greatest feeling of satisfaction. You have something special to offer the
world, and this mantra reminds you of that fact.
Our words hold much power, and mantras are a great way to set us on the
path to happiness. When you use your words to bring positive things into
your life, you will find happiness. Repeat these mantras and find out what a
difference they will make for you.

Personality and Happiness

It appears that some people are just happier than others. It’s not
always just the people who have easy lives, either. Those who are
happy seem to have certain factors that another individuals lack.

One definite factor is personality type. How does it play into the matter of
personal happiness? Here are a list of personality traits and how they affect
your feeling of well-being.


Those personality types who lean towards perfectionism in relation to
themselves and others, have a tendency to be less happy than those who
are more accepting of various outcomes. Although a perfectionist will
achieve happiness in a job well done, it will be limited due to their
immediate focus on the next big project.
When you learn to enjoy the process rather than holding yourself to a strict
set of rules, your happiness will grow.


Dreamers tend to be happy. Although dreamers can often lean towards
procrastination, which brings stress, there is always something to dream
about again after the stress has passed.
If we are not born this way naturally, we can learn a lot from dreamers as
we seek happiness in life. Think about what you want out of life and spend a
little time each day enjoying the thought of that very thing, and you will see
the joy that can be found in this simple exercise.


People whose personalities lean towards being organized have a lot going for
them, but it is possible to have too much of a good thing even in this area.
The importance is in balance. Be too focused on organization and you will
miss the small details that should be enjoyed along the way. By being too disorganized, on the other hand, you will experience the frustration of
yourself and others when things do not go as planned.
Strike a happy medium, and choose to organize yourself just enough to
make things work more efficiently.


Positivity is one personality trait that absolutely affects one’s personal
happiness. Some people are born with a tendency to this trait, while others
have to strive not to live in negativity.
No matter what side you lean towards naturally, make choices that will
cause you to react in a positive manner and that will build your confidence in
the process of life. You will find happiness comes to you naturally when you
allow your energy to be transformed from negative to positive.

Living in the Moment

You may be an extrovert or an introvert, but whichever you are, you can
choose to live in the moment. We only live our life through one time, and
finding happiness includes being fully present for each and every step of the
Some people find this easier to do, and others have to make an effort.
Whatever your natural tendency, make a choice to do everything whole-
heartedly so that you will have no regrets and can experience deep
We can’t change our personalities, but we can learn from each other. People
with different personalities and personality traits have a natural inclination
both towards and away from happiness. Take the personality you have been
given and then direct your energy into living a happy life in the best way

Why Living in the Moment Makes You Happier

We all know that living in the past can drag a person down, but why?
And what about living in the future?

We need balance, but living in the moment is something we must focus on if
we are to lead happy lives. Living in the moment has been shown to be the
best way to become and stay happy. Here is why.

We Can’t Change the Past

Almost every one of us has regrets about something in our past, but there is
nothing we can do to change it. Instead of wasting our moments and energy
in lament over situations that are long gone and no longer in our control to
change, we can use the energy to make our present situation better. Learn
what you can from the past, and then move on.

We Can’t Predict What the Future Holds

Don’t worry about the future, because you cannot predict what it will bring.
You can only prepare to a certain extent, and being fearful about what
tomorrow holds will only cause stress that will contribute to health and
mental problems.
Live in the moment and choose to make the present your focus. Instead of
fearing what repercussions your choices will bring to your future, make
decisions based on what is good in your life right now at this moment. This
will reduce tendencies towards depression and fear.

It Forces You to Be Present

When we think more about the past or the future than the present, we drift
away from what is right in front of our eyes. Maybe your present involves a
work project that demands your full attention and energy. Maybe your
present involves small children with runny noses who need lunch put on the
table. When you embrace your present fully, you will get more out of the life you
have. You will finally be able to stop sabotaging your present joy with fear
about what may come next, or the guilt of decisions that are now in the
past. Be thankful for the faces in front of you now, and for the opportunities that
are knocking on your door at this very moment. The moments you learn to
cherish will enhance your future with the warm memories you will carry
there, and you will have no regrets over misplaced focus.

Having a Balanced Outlook

Living in the present is important. Having a balanced focus is important too.
When you think about the future, make the plans that are necessary for you
to enjoy that time later, because someday the future will be your “in the
moment.” Don’t neglect your planning for the future, but don’t let it
consume your life in an unhealthy way. Balance is key, and will help you not
to feel stress due to too much focus on one area.
Living in the moment is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself.
Happiness is achieved when we choose to live and enjoy where we are right
now, instead of pining away for another time and place. By utilizing the time
and the life you are given right here and now, you will know true happiness.

Hormones and Happiness

Hormones… they certainly don’t get much respect at times. What do
they have to do with happiness?

Actually, hormones play a big role in this feeling, and we are wise to learn
about what factors they play in this area and what we can do to capitalize on

How Hormones Work

Hormones are special chemical messengers that control most of the body’s
processes. The endocrine glands create these special messengers and our
body relies on them to function properly.
How we treat our bodies and the substances we surround ourselves with
makes a difference in how these hormones are able to help us. By learning
what they do and how we can assist them in doing their job, we will be
closer to our goal of happiness.

What Hormones Are Related to Happiness?

There are several hormones that can boost one’s happiness. The main ones
include serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine.
Serotonin has become quite well known in recent times. It is a
neurotransmitter, which takes messages from one part of the brain to
another. Serotonin is crucial in preventing depression and other mental
illness, and problems occur when you have either a shortage of this hormone
or when it is unable to do its job.
Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone” and has a variety of jobs, which
include helping people improve their social skills and minimizing fear.
Dopamine is another neurotransmitter, and it is activated when a positive
and unexpected circumstance happens — which is why it is known for its role
in helping the brain learn about rewards.

Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones

Hormones need to maintain a fine balance in order to allow you to function
at optimum levels. Too much or too little of any hormone will cause short-
and long-term problems health wise. Because our happiness is dependent
on this, we are wise to do our best to find a healthy balance for all the
hormones in our body, in order to create an environment that supports
feeling good.
Some important ways to keep your hormones in good balance and working
order are to get sufficient sleep each night, exercise regularly and eliminate
toxins from your daily life. Minimize stress in your life as much as possible,
and avoid birth control pills if possible.

Foods to Balance Your Hormones

Food plays an important role in the balance of hormones. There are many
foods that you should make a point of eating on a daily basis, and many you
should strive to avoid.
Foods and nutrients that help your body balance hormones and keep you
happy include healthy fats such as those found in coconut oil, avocados,
nuts and wild salmon. Vitamin D is an important supplement, as is
magnesium. A sufficient amount of clean proteins should be eaten, as well
as plenty of vegetables.
Your hormones play an essential role in your feelings of happiness. Keeping
them balanced and working for you properly is important in order to ensure
feelings of mental wellness. By following the guidelines above, you will be
able to balance your hormones and live a life of happiness and satisfaction.



Gerrit van de Groep

I love to write articles on spiritual/health and self improvement related topics